Montmartre meanderings

We all headed out to Montmartre together on the RER and Metro and split up into groups by natural selection to explore. We ran into each other at lunch at Place des Tertres, the artist square, and then headed out again. Among things some of us did : shopped, looked at art, watched artists at work, bought art, bought souvenirs, attended a Pentecost mass, painted and sketched, took photos, took more photos. One group discovered a fabulous fabric store in the fabric district and found some treasures.
Love locks are everywhere and so are the lock vendors!

The funicular to the top.

A bit of a walk down before riding up on the funicular!

Place du Tertre - the Artists Square

Happy artist happy collector!

A fabric store adventure is about to begin!

The ladies shopped....
While the guys waited oh so patiently outside!

Window boxes are everywhere

and so are sculptures


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