La Louvre, Sennelier, and les Bateaux Mouche

This morning we braved the Paris metro again to see the Louvre, followed by a profitable trip to the historic art shop, Sennelier for the artists among us. We were more than ready for the scenic boat trip down the Seine. Another full day of adventure.

The Louvre first - then Sennelier
For the artists, and some non artists alike, we loved our trip to the famous old art shop  - Sennelier.

 More of the treasures of the Louvre.....

An interesting display of the art of framing

Such fortunate school children - we saw them everywhere on school field trips to museums.

The color blue in these paintings is magnificent

Finding our way....

After the Louvre, the Bateaux Mouche ride on the Seine.  A welcome rest after so much walking!

It was moving floating by Notre Dame

Much walking....
Hence, John's walking man!

and riding the metro! (not for wimps!)


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